So it’s my first month in the real world and after a lot of head scratching and choices the plan is to make. Make as much as I can and as often as possible, hopefully it’s going to be forging but I’ll take what I can for the time being. I have decided to split the business into two; one half of the business will work on producing forged components for industry and other applications. The other half will allow me to make the Artwork that I want.
The 3 cwt Massey has arrived and I have moved it in to the work shop to try it for size. I’ve called her Kitty AKA the Blue Lump and she has been joined by Mag’s or Margaret a Sweeny no.8 super heavy deep throat fly press which is also a heavy blue lump. The workshop is being cleared out and I will soon be digging the hole for the Massey. Everything is starting to take shape and I hope to be able to take on some proper jobs by the end of September.
I will take lots of photos of the process of putting a large two piece hammer in the ground. I have lots of work to do to get Kitty in and running; everything from making the bolts that hold her down to sorting out a power supply and digging the hole. My friend Roger Lund is giving me tips as I go and said he would come and show me how it’s done when Kitty’s in the ground.
I’m also going to take loads of pictures of the work I’m doing and how I’m doing it.